Our second beta was today since they had more blood draws today then yesterday.
Our came back at 349!!!!
Will update in a post later tonight!
Monday, December 31, 2012
Second beta!!!
Posted by Lexi + Sarah at 2:50 PM 3 comments
Friday, December 28, 2012
BETA results!!!!!!!
Results are in and my beta #1 is 108!!!!!!!!!!! We are only 12 days past 3 day transfer!! We go back on Sunday for second beta and ultrasound in 2 weeks! Will update more!
Thank you all for your support!!!
Posted by Lexi + Sarah at 3:59 PM 12 comments
Thursday, December 27, 2012
ETA: 12 hours
We have about 12 hours until our first BETA! We are so excited and nervous at the same time. We go in at the wee early hour of 7:15 and then back to work I go. Then it's the waiting game until they call. I know I will be a nervous wreck until they call not really sure I will be able to work, lol!
Nothing new to update but the fact that we used the last couple of HPT's. I know call us crazy and peeaholic but its so beautiful to keep seeing that positive test. I will update as soon as we get results!
Thank you for all the congrats!
Posted by Lexi + Sarah at 7:53 PM 5 comments
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
We Caved In....
We did. We caved in even though we said we wouldn't. I mean at first it wasn't hard at all and then 7dp3dt it got hard. I mean hard. It also didn't help that my lovely wife was chasing me with a pee stick. I do believe she is more obsessed with them than me, LOL! So after the nagging and nagging I decided to test. I forgot the nervous feeling you feel waiting for the test to show its face. After waiting the necessary time we both looked up and we saw that stark white background we have been used to seeing for what seems forever.
We then got sad. We cried and then started feeling defeated. I was sad but something told me to not give up yet. We had five days to go there was still hope. I had faith in God that everything would be okay.
8dp3dt (Christmas Eve): Negative (AKA stark white test) We had family coming over and other parties to attend that day. We hosted our Christmas Eve party and by 3 PM everyone was gone. We were getting ready to go to the next party and then Sarah said lets test again. I knew what it was going to say so I said sure as I POAS. As we sat there waiting Sarah picked up the test and she said I see a faint, faint line. I said yeah right. I mean for awhile I felt like we were making up lines! I grabbed the test and brought it to the kitchen where its brighter and sure enough was the faintest line I have ever seen. I mean you had to turn in in the sun to even see it. We were shocked, scared, happy, and excited! We immediately went to Target and stocked up on pregnancy tests. We came home still in shock and smiling like never before. We opened the box and took another test before we left for the party it had only been 2 hours and there was a little bit more of a line. From there on it was a pee stick party and it has been the best feeling ever to see those pregnancy tests get darker and darker.
Even better yet we tested today 10dp3dt on a digital and it came back positive with the word "Pregnant". A word we have been waiting to see for 2 long years. We feel blessed to be at this stage. We have our BETA on Friday at 7:15! Literally 34 more hours until our test! WOWZERS!!!
I have been peeing on sticks left and right on four different brands to be exact. All different brands to confirm what we already know.
I had tried to explain to Sarah that this cycle I have felt completely different. Not just with symptoms I have been feeling an intuition. This feeling has been beyond amazing to feel. Like nothing in the world matters more but keeping these babies safe and healthy.
I have had lots of symptoms since 6dp3dt and it is really just too much to write in tonight's blog! I will make sure to update tomorrow!
Until then I leave you with some photos of our beautiful pee sticks!!!
This literally was the BEST Christmas present EVER!!
Posted by Lexi + Sarah at 9:26 PM 13 comments
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Still here! Hanging by a thread if ya ask me! These past couple of days have been super super busy. Have I mentioned I love doing a transfer during the holidays?! It sure takes your mind of everything that's for sure!
We have been baking our annual cookie plates and have delivered all of them. Was so nice to visit with neighbors and friends.
We also got the courage to go out in the holiday crowds and get some last minute gifts. What the heck were we thinking?! Well we got what we needed and ran our as soon as we could.
So we have five days until BETA. I'm praying hard those little embies stick. Stick babies stick! We love you so much already!
These last couple of days I have fallen more in love with my wife. Is this even possible?! I'm already so in love with her. She just knows how to make me smile and laugh. She is my strength. She is my rock. I feel so lucky to have her.
Wishing everyone a great Sunday!
Posted by Lexi + Sarah at 7:32 AM 0 comments
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Holy Moley! Is it possible to just sleep until the 28th?!?!
Guess not!
Went back to work yesterday and boy was it the best feeling ever. Lol I know time off is like precious gold but I found myself twiddling my fingers and obsessing too much about this and that. At least at work I'm busy doing data entry all day long so my mind is busy. Plus side to my job. It's a 100% sit on your butt all day long until it hurts kinda of job. So really these babies sure are resting and taking it easy.
Everything is going swell minus the progesterone capsules. Sorry if this is too much TMI but there slimy and disgusting!
Besides that nothing new to report. Have been keeping my angel close to our babies all day long. I pause at work throughout the day to say I love them and that they have to cook for 9 months because there are a lot of people that have been rooting for them. Please God keep then safe in your hands and make sure they are warm and comfy. We love them so much already. *tears* <-----hormones are so out of whack! I cry for everything now including my wife who sang Rudolph the red nose reindeer! Oh my! LOL
Well until next time! I leave you with a pic of my angel that protects these babies.
Posted by Lexi + Sarah at 9:11 AM 5 comments
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Okay this whole TWW (two week wait) thing is serious business. This whole time we have been so calm going through this all like nothing and then the brutal TWW!!
I'm so glad we have so much going on these next couple of days and I go back to work tomorrow. Thank goodness I have a sit down job and I will get my mind off of all this thinking!
Today on our agenda?! Resting, gingerbread house making and more resting lol!
Wishing everyone out there positive baby making vibes!!
Posted by Lexi + Sarah at 10:16 AM 4 comments
Sunday, December 16, 2012
Transfer party!
Hi all! I'm back! Thank you to my lovely wife who has been updating the blog! Today was one of many big days...transfer day! We were so calm and just happy. We arrived an hour before since I had acupuncture set up before and after transfer. Acupuncture was nice and relaxing. Before you knew it we were laying down ready for our transfer report. Our doctor came in and gave us our report. Out of the 17 embryos 2 died. Which left us with 15 embryos to work with. We transferred to perfect grade A 8 cell embryos with zero fragmentation!! The other embryos are still growing and we will soon find out there grading scale along with how many made it to freeze!
So as of right now I'm PUPO (pregnant until proven otherwise)!! Came home and listened to Christmas music and got right under the blanket making sure my feet stay warm. Out blood test is scheduled for the 28th! 12 days from now! Yikes! Thank goodness our minds will be busy with Christmas gatherings and cookie baking!
Thank you to all the support and most of all thank you to my wife for taking care of me and our babies. She has cooked me every meal and has been here for me every second! I love you!
Posted by Lexi + Sarah at 3:20 PM 4 comments
Friday, December 14, 2012
Fertilization report!
After a very long day of waiting, we finally got the call from the doctor! Drum roll please......out of the 24, 19 fertilized. Out
Of those 19, two of them had more than one sperm meet the egg (which is a no no.) So, we have 17 strong, strong embryos!!! We go in for our transfer on Sunday at 11:30. We are so thrilled and exited. All this time we have been being so strong to not think about it and keep it together but now it seems impossible. Starting to be in our minds 24/7 again. Needless to say, we are so very excited and will update more then!
Posted by Lexi + Sarah at 5:28 PM 8 comments
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Harvest time!
SOOOO....to the big news! He retrieved 24 eggs and they all look MATURE! He mentioned to us that this was his huge goal to get them to all be mature and strong eggs. We are over the moon. They will call us tomorrow with a fertilization report. He says to be open to both a three-day- and five-day transfer. It's up to those little embryos, even though, I am secretly hoping so hard for a five-day. I guess, you can say I am biased....lol!
I just love our doctor, and I don't think I will ever get tired of saying that! He is so down-to-earth and treats you like not only a patient, a friend. It's nice to have someone make you laugh and bring happy vibes to such a serious time. He shows that he truly cares about each one of his patients. Hes not in it for the money. Every time we call with a concern or anything and talk with a nurse, he mentions it when we see him. He is in the loop and cares. For example- this morning my wife was counting down the minutes to call our clinic as soon as it opened this morning. The reason being because this morning before the retrieval, she didn't feel bloated anymore and thought something happened or that she ovulated early. Called and got cleared that, that was definitely not the case. They were all in there and my wife is just a worry wart. Anyways, when we got in the room for retrieval, our doctor comes in and jokingly says, "So,I heard you prematurely ovulated!" Lol! I just love how he knows about everything even when its not a big deal. He cares. Anyways, I guess it's safe to say that my wife is more in love with her owl heating pad than me tonight.
P.S- In the past, we won a "sperm" shirt from our sperm bank after winning a contest. I told my wife it was fitting to wear it tonight for good luck and good fertilization numbers tomorrow!
Posted by Lexi + Sarah at 8:16 PM 5 comments
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Twas the night before egg retrieval....
Posted by Lexi + Sarah at 8:20 PM 7 comments
Monday, December 10, 2012
Almost there!
Today I went in for more blood work and my estrogen came back at 2465. The nurse told me to continue my FSH, Menopur and Lupron and come back in tomorrow morning for more blood work and my last final ultrasound before my trigger shot. Excited and nervous all at the same time!
Tell ya the truth I'm so over the injections. My hormones are so off the wall. This cycle I have been finding myself more and more emotional! I cry at the drop of a dime. For Pete's sake today I cried a total of 5 times! Over silly things one of them my injections. I sat there glazing over three injections. The thought freaked me out lol! Now I feel like a big baby lol! All I can say is I'm super excited to go to sleep and wake up to see how all our follicles are doing!
More updates tomorrow!
Posted by Lexi + Sarah at 7:36 PM 2 comments
Sunday, December 9, 2012
Just call me a pin cushion!
Today as we were driving to another doctors appt Sarah was mentioning the fact that she could never do those injections and she is really proud of me. It meant a lot to me to hear that from her. I guess that convo really jinxed me because the nurse couldn't get any blood from my vein! She said wow this vein must be tired and worn out. Well those couple seconds of her wiggling back and forth was about as torturous as ever!! She then stuck me again in my other vein. Sarah had to turn away she said it looked to painful. Believe me it wasn't my cup of tea. She then explained to me after going through IVF you began to realize just how strong you are as a person. Made me realize that is so true for anyone going through any fertility treatment. We have a lot of courage and strength! So never put yourself down!
Blood work came back and my estrogen was at 2059! And progesterone was at .5. So again no FSH tonight only menopur. I go in again tomorrow morning for more blood work and then most likely we find out when our retrieval is set. Looking more and more like Wednesday!
Posted by Lexi + Sarah at 6:21 PM 7 comments
Saturday, December 8, 2012
Playing catch up!
I know its been awhile since I last blogged. Believe me I wanted to blog earlier but apart of me just wanted to put all this IVF stuff away. It has been so nice this time around to not think about it over and over, worry or get nervous. Time has just flown right past us! Can't even began to tell you how excited we are starting to feel!
Let me catch everyone up to speed!
I started my bleed on November 29th and had it for about four days. I then started stims on Saturday December 1st! This time around we are using Follistim, I have to say at first I was a tad nervous because I was used to mixing vials in our previous IVF but I have to say I love it!! So easy! I have continued to do my own injections and I have my injections under three minutes from start to finish! Stims have been going great and around Tuesday morning I started feeling a tad bloated. Nothing big, but bloated nonetheless. On Tuesday I had my blood work done and I got a phone call telling me my estrogen was 248! They advised me to lower my dose and my next appt would be on Thursday morning. Well Thursday rolled around and we made the hour drive for our blood work and ultrasound. We were super excited because this was going to be the first ultrasound since starting our stims. Blood work came back at 711 and my ultrasound was great. Follicles were mostly between 13-15. We were then advised to lower again and come back on Saturday morning.
We woke up bright and early and got there just in time and had my blood work taken again and another ultrasound. Blood work came back at 1632! Follicles sizes were between 15-18 with a few smaller ones around 13mm. So basically he wants me on two more days of stims. He then called me this afternoon and me that he wants me on zero FSH tonight and only Menopur. I then have to go back again tomorrow morning!
Feels SO good to finally be with a doctor who knows what they are doing. At the old facility I was on the same dose the entire stim cycle. I still can't understand it. I just cant! I feel even more stupid for not understanding more about IVF. Oh well, things happen for a reason. I will maybe understand at one point. I guess right now I am a tad bitter. I feel better that we are in better hands.
We go back in tomorrow for more blood work and then we should find out when for sure we go in for another ultrasound appt. He did give us a 80% chance of retrieval on Wednesday, December 13th!
Okay, I promise to update more!
Posted by Lexi + Sarah at 9:14 PM 9 comments
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Call me cranky pants!
Today has been a crazy day! I couldn't sleep all night long...not sure if it was due to my four nap the day before or the fact that I was worrying about my period starting again.
Woke up countless times to pee and to my eyes nothing, nada! Come on, aunt flow, just come! Ok so after a morning of being cranky I went to the bathroom and to my surprise I found I had started!!!! I literally went back to my office grabbed a handy, dandy tampon and literally jumped for joy to the bathroom. Yes, I was so happy to be carrying a tampon!
Immediately called my clinic and my nurse was happy to hear I had started and re-read my medication instructions.
So Saturday is the BIG stimulation injection day! So excited to get going. This only means our retrieval is looming.
Please pray and send your good vibes towards us. Thank you for a the support!!
Posted by Lexi + Sarah at 9:33 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Baseline Appointment
Today was my baseline ultrasound. Was feeling pretty nervous about the whole thing. When he performed my ultrasound he said everything looks like its supposed to look and when he counted how many resting follicles we had I about had a heart attack.....
her counted 20 on one side and 15 on the other.....yikes! The goal this time is to not stim me so fast like last time which caused a lot of immature eggs. So we start injections on Saturday! Was supposed to be Friday but was bumped due to scheduling.
In the mean time I am waiting for my bleed to start! Come on bleed!! Help me cheer on my little ovaries to shed their lining!!
Short post I know...not feeling to bloggy today. LOL
Posted by Lexi + Sarah at 5:49 PM 8 comments
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Today I am thankful
Thanksgiving and Christmas are my favorite all time holidays. It brings family together, creates new memories and shows all the love between us all. This morning we went to pick up my mom and her fiance at the airport and quickly made it back home and started the cooking feast. My mom had decided before they came that they would be cooking the dinner. She didn't want me to stress or worry about cooking all day long and it was nice for once to not be running around like a crazy chicken worrying about this and that. I even took a nap and rested!
Posted by Lexi + Sarah at 7:17 PM 2 comments
Monday, November 19, 2012
You know you are doing TTC when......
Someone asks you what day it is and you respond with Cycle day 19!! This happened to me today at my acupuncture appointment. The receptionist was asking her co-worker what the day was so she could write out my receipt and smart one over here just answered what cycle day I was instead of the actual day. Wow! Talk about the meds talking......I do have to blame it on something, right?!
So these past couple of days have been filled with shots and more shots. Lupron is going just fine no side effects whatsoever and the birth control pills are finally just getting along with my body thank goodness.
The best news I have to report is that I finally, finally got the courage to do my own injection!!!!! YES YOU READ RIGHT, I DID MY OWN INJECTION!!! Not just once but twice! Psh I SO have this in the palm of my hands. I am so not afraid of you tiny needle!
In other news Thanksgiving is almost here, sad that the holiday just zip by us at the snap of a finger. We have family coming so it will be super busy and this whole IVF will not even be on my mind.
Happy Thanksgiving all!!
I leave you with a proud pic of me holding my injection ready to go!
Posted by Lexi + Sarah at 10:41 PM 6 comments
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Anyone home?
Yikes, I really need to be better about writing in this blog! I guess you can say things have been busy or I have just been lazy, either way this whole IVF thing is moving rather quickly.
- Continue on Birth Control pills until Thanksgiving day (What a great day to end these horrible pills by celebrating with a nice feast....LOL)
- On Friday, November 16th I start Lupron injections both morning and evening
- On Wednesday, November 28th I have my baseline ultrasound to go over stimulation medication, etc.
- Friday, November 30th the big day----->Start of stimulation medications!
- Week of December 3rd (Monitoring appointments)
- Friday, December 7th (Start antibiotics)
- Week of December 10th (estimated retrieval/transfer) Yikes!
Posted by Lexi + Sarah at 9:41 PM 8 comments
Saturday, November 10, 2012
Some major R&R and IVF updates!
I am finally getting some time to just sit down with my laptop, warm fuzzy socks, and write in our blog. Time just seems to fly by! Where do I even start? LOL
Posted by Lexi + Sarah at 10:21 PM 3 comments
Saturday, November 3, 2012
All aboard the crazy IVF train!!
Get on because this train is moving fast!
Posted by Lexi + Sarah at 2:25 PM 13 comments
Friday, November 2, 2012
Liebster Blog Award
Posted by Lexi + Sarah at 11:02 PM 33 comments
Thursday, November 1, 2012
A little bit of Halloween & updates
Have I mentioned how much I love this time of year?! It gets my heart racing with excitement just thinking about it!
Halloween was super fun! I love the holidays, always have. I honestly can't wait to have kids to start new memories and traditions. Every year we sit outside and pass out candy to all the cute trick-or-treaters. Sarah usually dresses up in some crazy outfit and give the kids a scare. They get a hoot out of her outfit because no one ever thinks she is real! It made my heart warm and fuzzy watching all the little kids have fun and laugh. So carefree!
In other baby-making news. Remember when I said we moved everything up a month?! Well I was waiting for my period on November 5th (according to my handy dandy iphone period tracker app) well long and behold my period started today bright-eyed and ready to rumble! I immediately called the clinic and informed them that i was for sure full flow. Within the next five minutes I made an appointment for tommorow November 2nd at 10AM for some blood work! Part 1 of 2. I have to do a reprodutive hormone assay test. Your regular FSH and LH test then they give me some injections and 16 hours later I come in for another lovely blood test and from there on they can see just how well my ovaries react to all the meds.
Better have a pep talk with them tonight reminding them to be good little girls and do what mommy tells them to do! They need to rise and shine from the long nap they have been taking and get the show on the road!
After the two part blood test I then start up birth control pills (AKA I am going to snap at someone) and then come back after 7 days of being on them and have my saline sonogram (YAY! <----sarcastic). Thankfully sarah will be with me, hopefully so I can cry to her when the songram hurts!
After all that if we are clear to go then BAM, BAM were off! Looks like a retrieval/transfer before Christmas!
What a Christmas gift!!
I leave you with some pictures of our Halloween night <3
Posted by Lexi + Sarah at 2:59 PM 7 comments
Friday, October 26, 2012
Holy Beezus!
Okay so if someone wants to slap me at any time go right ahead. Not sure if this is all real but its happening!! Somehow everything got pushed up a month. So instead of starting in December we are now starting in November!
*taking a deep breath*
How did this all start, you ask?! Well we decided that due to some conflicts in January/Feb with our schedule I called the doctor and asked if we could move up earlier or possibly start my period earlier. Well after some time I got a call this morning from my lovely nurse Idea and she explained to me that our doctor does not like the idea of starting periods with pills due to lining and ovulation issues...fine with me (at least he is watching out for us). She then said that the doctor looked over everything and sees no problem in starting early. At first I was in shock...
Called my wife and explained the situation. She couldn't believe it either. She kept asking me the same questions over and over which tells me she is taking it all in, lol. So here is the scoop y'all!
*I start my period in about a week or two. I call on the first day of my period. On the second day I go in for some blood testing and then do a lupron test and then come back in 16 hours later for another blood test. After that I sit and wait for the results and in the mean time I start taking good ole' birth control pills (AKA Bitch Possessing Pills)!! I then come in a couple days later after being on BCP's and have a saline sonogram (AKA I need more than over the counter Tylenol and a pole to hold onto for pain). After all that is taken care of and I pass with flying colors I graduate and TADA....we can start stims and it looks like a retireval/transfer by the middle of December! So yes possibly the best Christmas present ever!
*Not going to think about it.....not going to think about it.*
I know everything will go the way it is supposed to go and frankly we are so carefree about this entire IVF #2
Ready to get this train rolling!
Posted by Lexi + Sarah at 9:00 PM 7 comments
Monday, October 22, 2012
My lovely orchid
Everything lately has just been blissful. Life is great...We have a wonderful life together. I simply couldn't imagine my life any other way. Plain and simple. This weekend we spent together going to the pumpkin patch and picking our annual carving pumpkins. We carved our pumpkins late Saturday evening and while they didn't come out as great as we wanted, LOL it was sure fun! This entire weekend brought visions in my head of what our future holds for us. I can't even began to tell you how excited I am to make memories and carving pumpkins with our kids. I know we will be the best parents we can possible be and that for me is priceless.
Posted by Lexi + Sarah at 9:00 PM 4 comments
Saturday, October 20, 2012
Just Awesome
This totally made me laugh out loud!! I so needed that laugh. I really feel like ever since we have been TTC everyone has been popping over pregnant....while we sit here and wait for our chance. I have no doubt in my mind that it will happen it the dreaded waiting part sucks. Everyone around me keeps talking about this upcoming IVF cycle. Frankly, I have really stepped out of the TTC box and have forgotten that in a matter of months we will be thrown at this full speed. Maybe, im trying to hide my emotions or maybe not think to much about it.
My boss the other day asked me how long I plan on being on maternity leave...I think shes freaking out. I simply stated that I need to get pregnant first then we can talk about maternity leave, lol. Everyone keeps telling me that they can feel it this time. She even said she didn't feel good about the first one. Ugh, I wish someone would have stopped us before we wasted our time and efforts. Oh well. no pity party over here, and then yesterday my very close co-worker Kathy told me she was going to throw us a baby shower. She explained that she cannot wait to spoil our children. I do know for a fact that our baby(s) will be showered in love and I frankly have no doubt in my mind that everything will work the way it is supposed to...again its just the waiting part that sucks.
The other day my coworker and I went to lunch. We ordered and sat down. I couldn't help but notice every baby or child in the place. Was it really that noticeable?! Yeah. Kathy even pointed it out that she notices when I see a child...she simply said I smile and then shrug. I love seeing children and frankly they are all around us. I love seeing babies wrapped in their blankets and looking so snugly and comfy. They are so precious. I can't wait to do all the things both Sarah and I have talked about for years. All the traditions we want to start. Our special memories. Our family.
My period should be coming soon and this only means I start getting ready for my wonderful saline ultrasound. I will this time not take the advice of Tylenol a couple hours before...maybe something stronger, LOL! This is my favorite time of year, honestly and I love that we are doing our IVF during this time!!
Till next time!
Posted by Lexi + Sarah at 8:42 AM 5 comments
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Wiping the slate clean
Today was our very first appointment with our new IVF doctor. I was super nervous this morning I guess you could say that these past two years has traumatized us to say the least. We drove the hour ride to the new doctor and walked right in. We were so excited to finally be there. We were greeted by everyone. I have been talking back and forth with this new clinic we were both so happy to finally put voices to the faces. Within five minutes the front staff was coming up to us and hand shaking us and one that I have been coordinating with in particular came to the waiting room and hugged both Sarah and I. I started crying. I couldn't help it! I was just so happy to be there and thankful for all the help she had helped us with. We waited another five minutes and then we were greeted by the doctor himself! Right then and there we were blown away! He took us to the back and sat in an office. We were with him for literally an hour just talking about everything.
Posted by Lexi + Sarah at 8:52 PM 9 comments
Monday, October 1, 2012
My heart is beating fast, and my hands feel like clams
I can't even began to tell you the emotions I am feeling at the moment. I told myself I wasn't going to act any different this time around. I wanted to go into this next IVF like it was nothing....just another appointment, but now the past couple of days my body has been feeling an extent of emotions! I have been feeling.....excited, happy, nervous, scared, blessed and lucky. This is the same feeling I felt when I had a big school presentation. I feel like I am going to give a big speech in front thousands of people. My heart is racing, so fast. "Breathe Lexi, breathe". I am ready to get this going, I am ready to be parents. I know it will all pan out the way we want it, its the waiting part that's killer.
Posted by Lexi + Sarah at 9:06 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Say it isn't so????
Posted by Lexi + Sarah at 9:04 PM 7 comments
Monday, September 24, 2012
I wonder....is it possible?

Posted by Lexi + Sarah at 2:05 PM 5 comments
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Life is great!
We have sure been keeping busy within our household. We have not even thought about anything IVF. I lost track of how many days we had until our first IVF appointment with our new clinic. I want to make sure this time around we don't wrap ourselves around IVF like its our entire life. I want to be able to live our life and be normal. Im scared crap less though because I feel as soon as we start to wet our feet in the process I won't be able to not think about it. I pray for peace through this next cycle.
Posted by Lexi + Sarah at 10:10 PM 2 comments
Sunday, September 9, 2012
Baby Shower
Awhile back we had been invited to one of Sarah's old time friends baby shower. At first, I was super excited I had imagined myself pregnant at the baby shower after all we had been invited before we had even started our IVF treatment. I had forgotten about the baby shower until a couple of weeks later when I was going through my "junk drawer" (because we all know everyone has one) and noticed the invitation. It was soooo cute laced in pink my heart sank. It brought back memories of how we were not pregnant yet. I know its been more than two months since our failed IVF cycle but it still sometimes seems so fresh in my brain, so fresh in our brains.
Posted by Lexi + Sarah at 12:23 AM 28 comments
Friday, September 7, 2012
My inner kid
Posted by Lexi + Sarah at 11:33 PM 3 comments
Thursday, September 6, 2012
28 More days!
This is how many days we have until our very first appointment with our new RE! Initially we had our appointment for October 30th which was a Tuesday and I wanted to make sure Sarah could make the appointment. I don't want to be with out her, lol. So I called the office and asked if there was any way possible to move the appointment to a Wed-Friday appointment. The office lady assured me that was the best they could give me and I was not complaining just trying. After all their waiting list is now booked until July of 2013! All I can say is "are you kidding me?!" I am so glad we were able to get in earlier!
The front lady told me she was going to see if she could do anything. I wasn't expecting anything that day and within a couple of hours she called me to tell me she could grant our wish! She not only moved our appointment to a Thursday but she moved it up to the beginning of the month! October 4th baby!!! So this means that once we meet with him on that day we can start with that period in October!! Are you for real?! I need someone to pinch me!
We are SO ready to get this started again, ready to just be back. Tune in for more updates!
Lots of love!
Posted by Lexi + Sarah at 9:54 PM 6 comments