Harper is the biggest blessing! In all honesty there are no words in this world that could describe to you the love we have for her. She is our miracle baby and is the best thing that has ever happened to us. We are beyond blessed.
With that said I can't believe she is 4.5 months! Where does time go?! Sitting back writing this post as she sleeps makes me want to snuggle her forever. I remember someone telling me to cherish the time with them because they grow so fast. She kept saying they grow as fast as weeds do. I chuckled and never in a million years did I think what she told me a month before we delivered was in fact true. Time does go so fast. She is growing right past our eyes. Shes so beautiful and her personality is everything we could of asked for.
She is hitting milestone after milestone and frankly we as parents are hitting our own milestones as well. After having her I have learned there is no manual or book that could prepare you for the journey of raising a child. Its pretty much a touch and go feeling. Something I wouldn't trade for the world. In fact many of our discussions at the dinner table (if we get to sit down at the table...LOL) are about how our lives were before Harper. To this day I wonder how we even existed. Now don't get me wrong and go on judging....both Sarah and I have an amazing marriage and I consider us rock solid. We love each other to no end. We had a great time before Harper and I cherish those memories but now we feel complete as our little family of three. :)
So here is a little picture post of how we have spent the past 4.5 months of her life! I promise to go more into detail about us, motherhood, breastfeeding and all the wonderful stuff that happens after having a baby!
Old Fashioned Cherry Pie Filling Recipe
20 hours ago
She's beautiful!!!
I absolutely love the outdoor Christmas photo of you three!
Thank you so much Katy! When I saw that picture I literally cried my eyes out!! I think its beautiful too :)
OMG, we did the same Halloween costumes! Exactly! Mommy was the evil witch, Mama was the mirror and baby was Snow White! How awesome!!
Oh my gosh! She is beautiful! Yay for an update! I totally agree that you wonder how you even existed before they came along-they bring a whole new purpose to your life.
Every single one of these pictures is absolutely beautiful! It looks like you all have had a wonderful time adjusting to your new life as a family of three. I can't wait to see more pictures!
P.S. the headbands you put on Harper are adorable! I especially love the one she wore on Thanksgiving. :)
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