Yep, we still have baby girl in my belly! We have approx. a week & 5 days until our due date. Feels so weird that soon she will be joining our family. Can't wait to kiss her and snuggle with her! I will however miss being pregnant. Everyone I talk to asks me if I am over being pregnant and truth is no. Maybe, its because this pregnancy has been a breeze and I have been blessed with a super easy pregnancy or maybe because I love being pregnant. I will miss the days I feel her kick inside of me daily. It stops me wherever I am and makes me smile and realize how awesome life is. I'm going to miss my hard belly and the many kisses I get from Sarah on a daily basis. Thinking about it makes me cry. There will never be a first again. Every pregnancy is completely different and unique. I have had the joy to have this experience for months and maybe that is why I am so sad to see it go because it is something that I have become a custom to. This does not stop me from being super excited to enter our daughter into the world. Dang these hormones are no joke....
On another note, we got the car seat and base installed in our cars yesterday.We had the California Highway Patrol install them and glad they did because they were fast, installed it super tight and talked about car seat safety.
Old Fashioned Cherry Pie Filling Recipe
18 hours ago
Ekkkkk! She's going to be here before you know it! I didn't carry our daughter so I didn't feel the kicks and wiggles, but I do remember how very exciting those last few weeks of pregnancy were. Just keep relaxing and sleep, sleep, sleep. I'm so excited for you gals. :)
@More Than Words; I know time is going super fast! We are both getting so excited!
Im so excited for you guys!!!
I'm on theslee, sleep, sleep me when I say you don't get any the first week or so. We have an amazing sleeper and I'm still sleep deprived, so get it now while you can!
@katy; thanks for the sleep advice!! I am trying to get naps in every possible place I can during my day!! I know the first couple weeks are going to be a challenge as its will be new to the two of us. So excited though! :)
Oh my I am squealing with delight over here! I will be checking daily for updates and hoping for a smooth delivery :)
Good luck over the next couple of weeks :). Exciting times. Will be thinking of you both. Rest up!
Can't wait to see this baby when she's finally here!
Thank you ladies!! She is still cooking away!
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