Wow...It has been some time since our last update. As you can see I have been forgetting to blog and I need to get back on the wagon. It's weird...ever since becoming pregnant its like all of a sudden a million and one things appear right in front of you and then you loose track of other stuff because of the overwhelmess of the other million and one things!
Anyways everything has been great, moving right along. Tommorow I will be 20 weeks!! Holy smokes! We are officially halfway through the pregnancy with only 20 more weeks to go! Hopefully we can keep this bun in the oven cooking long! According to our dandy pregnancy ticker we have 4 months, 2 weeks and 5 days until she is here! Yelp! I swear and time goes by I get more and more excited and nervous. Excited to finally meet our long awaited miracle but nervous that we wont be ready and nervous for all the changes to come.
In the past couple of weeks we have registered at both Babies R' Us, Target & Pottery Barn! Phew writing this makes me tired. Pottery barn was easy, Target took 2 hours (not bad)....then there is Babies R' Us.....can we say 5 hours of beeping. I was exhausted and had a throbbing headache by the end of that day. I never realized what a baby needs. There is so much out there in the market that it got daunting at first. We made it through and we registered for everything baby Harper will need! It has been fun looking at our registry from time to time. It seems so real now that we are registered and we sent the "save the dates" for our baby shower in June!
Still no movement in the house! UGH!!! Now I have felt certain things that I have never felt before being pregnant and I do associate it to her moving, but nothing consistent enough for me to be like "she's kicking"!
I know I am only 20 weeks and every pregnancy is different. I do hope she starts soon because these two mamas are getting ansy to feel her move!
Nursery is slowly but surely coming along. We bought some decals and the letters for her name. Now all we need to do is put them up! She already has so much clothes its amazing! We have all coordinated by size and I won't be washing it until a month before arrival.
Other than that, everything is great! Our anatomy scan is in two weeks! Even though we already know what we are having it will be super fun to see her organs and make sure we are in the clear. Another hurdle to jump through!
Old Fashioned Cherry Pie Filling Recipe
20 hours ago