Wow it has been a long time since I last posted on here. So much has happened the past couple of weeks.
To start everything with this pregnancy is going great! I have had zero complications thank God. It has been a smooth sailing pregnancy in all honesty. Around week 9 I started having major nausea and major food aversions. There was not one food in sight that sounded good. I was starving and when I ate the baby sure did not like anything....except sweets. Yes, you heard right. Anything with ice cream and chocolate sure did agree with the little peanut! Finally around week 12 my nausea subsided and food started sounding good again. I started eating more solid meals. I do find that any mexican food does not settle well at all but other than that its good to be able to eat a meal without feeling like I need to go and lay down.
Tomorrow we will be 13 weeks! Officially in the 2nd trimester! Wowzers!! Where the heck has time gone?! Now our days consist of getting the house ready and what we need to start buying. So excited for all this planning! This has been the best time of our lives. We have bonded closer and the love I feel between Sarah is greater. We both are so in love its amazing and SO in love with this baby in my belly. She has us wrapped around their fingers.
Our ultrasounds have been great, its such a pleasure to see our baby peanut growing and progressing at each and every appt. Baby is growing right on track if not even a tad ahead. Heart rate has been great and that sound will never, EVER get old. If only I could make it my ringtone!
Tomorrow we have our Nuchal scan! So another chance to see our baby peanut!! WOOHOO!! I am super excited for this scan not even one ounce of nervousness. I have felt so relaxed and calm during this entire pregnancy.
In other news we decided to do a blood test called MaternTi21 test. Its a blood test that looks for chromosomal abnormalities and at the same time tests what a double whammy! Well we got our blood drawn on Feb. 13 and this afternoon we got the results. I ran to my doctors office and picked up the envelope and ran back downstairs. Called Sarah and I opened the envelope while on the phone. I scanned as fast as I could and read the chromosomal tests first and all were negative. A huge sigh a relief was felt. Then I scanned to the gender and it said "no Y chromosomes were detected". Holy crap!! I cried tears of joy. I said to sarah "were having a GIRL!!!". I was shaking and in tears. I wanted a healthy baby but its even more a plus for a little girl. We are tickled pink for sure!!
In the past week we lost a great man. Sarah's grandfather died. Many have told me that while one life is taken one life is given. We kept tossing back thinking God has a plan for everything. It took us 2.5 years to get pregnant treatment after treatment. We thought we would never see this side. God has a plan and while we may not understand it at the time everything happens for a reason.
I promise to be better at posting. Tomorrow is our Nuchal scan! Can't wait to post pics :)
I would also like to thank everyone who has been here through thick and thin. You all are amazing!!
Old Fashioned Cherry Pie Filling Recipe
23 hours ago