Today we had our first ultrasound/blood work after taking birth control pills. We were both pretty nervous because if we didn't get the go ahead from our ultrasound and blood work today we would have to wait and we just wanted everything to be good. We went in and I got my blood work done which was not bad at all. I don't mind getting my blood work done in fact the nurse was pretty surprised that I was watching her draw my blood. She was scared I was going to faint. After getting my blood drawn I had to empty my bladder and get ready for my ultrasound.
Finally we heard a knock on the door and we were getting our ultrasound done. We were praying for the best and when he located both my ovaries and said my follicles were doing what they were supposed to do I was able to breathe a sign of relief. There was zero cysts and my lining was great. After the doctor left the room we wanted to jump up and down of excitement! Everything was happening like it was supposed to!
The next hour we spent with our in-cycle nurse Jennifer....who is awesome! She is soooo kind and will repeat things as many times as needed! We learned how to do our injections and we both paid attention to every detail and took pictures of the process.
So tomorrow we start our injections bright and early! 7 AM! Hopefully we can sleep, LOL!
Best Vegan Blueberry Muffins
1 day ago
That's so exciting!!! I was so nervous my first injection, but it ended up being no biggie at all. If your nervous, put a little ice on the area for a minuet or two and you will not feel a thing. :)
Good luck tomorrow and I'll be thinking of you both!
Good luck with everything. It's pretty exciting, make sure you get a treat for every injection ;)
Ryann, I was so nervous with my first shot. I had to have Sarah do it! I want to get used to doing it myself because there may be a time where I have to do it. Thanks for the ice advice! I will have to try it out!
Sarmarog, I will make sure to tell my wife about the treat! LOL!
How was your first injection? I have checked your blog a thousand times to find out. Haha I feel like an IVF stalker lol. I'm really not, just can't wait to find out how thing are going. Getting to this point is so exciting! Praying for positive results!!!
Good luck with all the learning!! I am looking forward to another blog :) I know I don't comment much, but I am always reading!!
Ryann, I will post a blog update today lol it will explain why I didn't blog yesterday lol. Thank you for thinking about us two!
Jamie and Courtney, thank you that is sweet!
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