Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Praying, and a lot on my mind

Yesterday evening we received a phone call from my brother. It was shocking because he rarely calls me. When I answered he started crying I could tell in his voice something was not right. He wanted to tell me that his wife had lost the baby at 10 weeks. I sat down and started crying and all I could say was I'm sorry. I said they have an angel in heaven watching them and to not give up. After the phone call I sat there staring point blank into Sarah's eyes and I couldn't help but cry. She hugged me and told me that everything was going to be okay. I knew it was. After all everything in our life is in Gods hands. He has a future for each one of us and he knew this before we were even in the womb. I know it will all be okay. My heart aches for all those that have to go through this. No one should ever go through this and I pray always for a healthy and happy pregnancy who ever it is. 

Today was a hard day for me, when I got in my car I was searching for a music station and God spoke to me as he does in so many amazing ways and KLOVE turned on. They started playing beautiful music and I could feel God right next to me saying its okay. Where ever you are in life you have to place your faith in God and all will be okay.

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